User Action: Related Spot Color Names

Some of the spot color names defined in the imported files are similar and may therefore relate to the same color. The color data may characterize variants of the same color with different tint values or different backgrounds (substrate or black). Choose whether related spot color definitions should be combined into a single color definition or imported separately.


Combine into single spot color definition

Spot color definitions with similar names will be interpreted as belonging to the same color. The application will create a single color definition which includes patches of different tint values or patches printed on substrate and black.

Import as separate spot color definitions

Spot color definitions with similar names are interpreted as belonging to different colors. The application does not combine them into a single color definition.

Perform action on…

Choose the scope of the action selected above. There are the following options:

  • Only the currently selected color will be combined with the related color or imported separately.

  • All colors in the currently selected file will be combined with the related colors or imported separately.

  • All colors of all imported files will be combined with the related colors or imported separately.

Supported Color Name Patterns

Spot color names are only interpreted as relating to the same color if they follow certain patterns. The supported patterns are explained below. In these patterns, <color> stands for the name of any spot color and <nn> for a two-digit number.


Example: DarkBlue and DarkBlue_K

The first name is interpreted as spot color printed on the substrate, the second as the same color printed on black.


Example: DarkBlue and DarkBlue10, DarkBlue20, DarkBlue30, etc.

The first name is interpreted as a 100% tint printed on substrate, the other names as 10%, 20%, 30%… tint values of the same color.

Special pattern which matches CxF files created with X‑Rite Color iQC, for example:
Color name Tint value assumed

metal or paper

0% ink = substrate


10% ink printed on substrate


20% ink printed on substrate


30% ink printed on substrate


Additional tint values (not all need to be defined)


90% ink printed on substrate

<color> over metal or

<color> over paper or

<color> metal or

<color> paper or

100% ink printed on substrate = solid ink

(This will be used as new spot color name.)

Two examples:

Color names combined

Metal, 20, 40, 60, 80, Gold Over Metal

Paper, 30, 50, 70, 90, Salmon Pink Paper


Gold Over Metal

Salmon Pink Paper
